I started thinking about how I could live more naturally over ten years ago, when I began to realize how my body had been affected by our convenience and processed society. Ten years later, I'm still learning new things.
If you've had the thought that you'd like to change your life and your health by "going green" or "living naturally," but you don't know where to start, I'm here for you! I've put together the ten easiest ways I've found to start your journey toward a new kind of lifestyle.
If you're skeptical, hear me out. You don't have to try all ten today. You could try one a week, or one a month. The point is just to try something. We are afraid of things that aren't familiar, and the only way to conquer that fear is to do something new.
Once you've tried any of these things, you won't have a desire to go back. Some of them may cost you a little more than you are used to spending (usually pennies to a couple dollars,) but some of these ideas can save you a surprising amount of money. I'm providing links to my favorite recipes for your pinning convenience.
1. Stop buying any food that contains HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP. This is an easy one. All you have to do is check the ingredients of anything you're not sure about (cereals, bread, condiments, etc.) This ingredient does you absolutely no favors. It's for the convenience of companies, not for your health. Almost always there is a healthier alternative that may cost a little bit more sitting right next to it. Think about it this way, the extra money you spend to avoid this additive will be dollars you save NOT going to the doctor for all the diseases this ingredient will help along. If you like this idea and would like a few more things to watch out for, another great tip is don't buy anything that has ingredients you can't pronounce. (One exception to this rule - sometimes lists include the scientific names of vitamins and minerals that have been added, but they will usually put the more common name in parenthesis.) If you want to even take it a step further, try only eating and drinking only God-made foods. Once you detox from the chemicals and preservatives your body is addicted to, you won't want anything else. Promise!
2. Make your own LAUNDRY DETERGENT. Honestly, now that I have been making my own for years (and have saved literally hundreds of dollars) I can tell you that store bought detergent adds nothing to your life. It's expensive, full of things you don't need on your skin, and has harsh smells you won't miss. It doesn't even save you that much time, because making your own is so easy. I've made both liquid and dry, and I find that I prefer the dry method - it seems to work a little better and is a little easier to make. But both are very easy and are fine for HE washers. Here's what I'm using right now:
http://bumblebeebags.blogspot.com/2012/01/20-minutes-and-20-dollars-for-years.html One more tip: I always add white vinegar to my fabric softener compartment. Not only does it keep your clothes smelling fresh and clean, it keeps your washer in good shape as well, especially if you have the HE version that uses less water and can get stinky sometimes.
3.Make your own INSECT REPELLENT. I'm not talking about camping trips into the deep forest where scary bugs live, I'm talking about everyday play in the backyard or walks in the neighborhood. I've tried this recipe the past two summers and it has worked very well (and my kids get hives from mosquito bites, so it was important to me that it worked.) This recipe does call for some essential oils, and well... they're essential, so you will have to make an investment, but they last for a long time so don't sweat it too much.
http://www.icanteachmychild.com/2011/06/make-it-natural-mosquito-spray/ One more thing: she gives a lot of different oil choices, but the ones I find work the best are Citronella, Peppermint, Lemongrass, Lavender and Tea Tree.
4. Go ORGANIC. Not on everything. Some things aren't that important. But try going organic on milk, and on the "dirty dozen" fruits and veggies. List here:
5. Use all natural CLEANERS. I haven't looked back since I switched. Now I can clean without the inevitable migraine, and these ingredients clean just as well if not better than the store bought chemical stuff you're using. My go-to recipe for my
basic kitchen and bathroom cleaner is this:
> Fill a good sized spray bottle half full with water. Fill most of the rest with white vinegar (you can get huge containers of vinegar for next to nothing. I have one on every floor of the house.)
> Add: (at this point I usually have some suds at the top of the container, so do the alcohol first) a tablespoon or two of rubbing alcohol, about a teaspoon of plain dawn dish soap, about 30-40 drops lemon oil, and 15 drops tea tree oil.
Another great cleaner I've found for tile and grout and every other sort of nasty you find in a bathroom inhabited by many children is this recipe... be prepared for amazing results!
http://www.marthastewart.com/265635/tub-scrub (I use the peppermint oil, it smells great!)
Another cleaning tip - make your own furniture dusting spray. Works better, smells better, nice and cheap!
6. By now you're starting to feel daring, I can tell! Here's a challenge for you - make your own DEODORANT! I see that skeptical stare, but don't be a hater till you try it! It's true I have to put it on more frequently, and for super hot days when you're working in the garden you might need to revert back to the chemically stuff, but for most regular days (especially in cooler weather) this is all you'll need. And it was SO easy to make! I found everything I needed at Whole Foods, but you can always get it online as well.
7. You can also make your own SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER. This was one thing I balked on for a long time before I tried. But I have found I like my hair better when I wash it this way. You need some Dr. Bronner's liquid castile soap (Whole Foods or Amazon.com) and some plain coconut milk. One part coconut milk, 2 parts castile soap - instant shampoo and body wash, and moisturizing to boot! Now comes the most disconcerting part - apple cider vinegar as conditioner. I promise you, you will NOT smell like vinegar for the rest of the day. Rinse it out well, and when it's dry it will smell clean and happy, not vinegary. I put mine in a little spritz bottle, but again, I have a huge bottle in the closet. Save money, better hair! What's to lose?
8. Instant FACIAL. Pour some honey in a bowl, add some cinnamon, nutmeg and lemon juice. This is great for toning your skin, for helping with acne issues, and the nutmeg also provides a vigorous scrub that will help remove dead skin and leave you with a youthful glow. I always use grapeseed oil as a body lotion. It works great and is not greasy.
9. Easy great-smelling ROOM SPRAY. Fill a small spritz bottle (preferably dark) with water, and add about 40-80 drops of lavender. (I like mine strong.) There are countless other oils you can use, but this is a good basic spray for all your stale smelling rooms and sheets and couches. Other oils that work well as sprays are lemon, bergamot, ylang ylang (I always add some ylang ylang to my lavender spray, but be careful because a little goes a long way!) rosemary, rose, grapefruit or geranium. If you want a more decadent spray, try frankincense or myrrh, but be prepared to pay a little more. I have some of each that I spent a lot on, but they have lasted me a few years.
10. Dry your clothes outside on a CLOTHESLINE. Just tie some rope across a couple trees and lug out those sheets and blankets and towels. There is nothing like the smell of clothes dried in the sunshine all afternoon! A word of caution, don't try this with colored fabrics. The sun is quite good at bleaching!
Bonus: It's spring, why not make a vegetable garden? Good exercise and sunshine for you, great organic produce at a fraction of the cost! I have found tomatoes, peppers, onions, potatoes, oregano, basil, zucchini and parsley the easiest to grow, if you need a place to start.
There you go! If you already do all these, leave some advice or take it further in the comments. If you haven't tried some of these, what are you waiting for? Let me know how it goes!