Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ten on the Tenth

I actually remembered that it was the tenth. And I took ten pictures. But I must remind you that the life I live outside my head is really rather monotonous and dull. And I can't take pictures of the inside of my head. Or can I? You know how they say that we are either right brained or left brained? When I take those little quizzes, I always end up seeming just about 50/50. And today I noticed that my desk proved it.

On the left is my side for study. On the right is my side for fiction writing. My desk always looks like this, it wasn't just today. I guess maybe I am both. ANYWAY, moving on to the rest of these riveting pictures...

Don't you just wish these things would make themselves once in awhile.

Ooh. Nice.

A pathetic little lego man who is far from home.

I wish the cleaning fairy would hit this room.

I found a soldier in my kitchen. Or as he calls himself: a G.I.G.I.O.

Showing some respect.

Well, what's the use in having them if you don't put them to work? JUST KIDDING. She lives for this. Seriously.

Some lovely horse artwork.

It does appear that everyone will be able to visit the prize box tomorrow.

And there you have it. A day in the life of a 50/50 left/right brained homeschooling mother of four. You may now go about your business.

A Few Reasons You Should Watch Doctor Who

Up to about a month ago, This was my impression of Doctor Who. An old dude standing by a console doing weird things while people watched him. With good reason. The doctor does often stand around his console and do weird things while people watch. For 36 years of my life, if I heard someone say that they couldn't get enough Doctor Who, I would wait until they turned away and give them this look:
However, I was recently motivated to give this show a try because of so many people like me that couldn't get enough Doctor Who. I heard it was hilarious. I heard it was a must-see of any self-respecting science fiction enthusiast. What nerd in all of time and space could resist a show that really lived in all of time and space? 

So I gave it a try. And the first couple episodes were hard to get through. I didn't get it right away. But I kept watching, and then I started to like the characters. They started to reveal more of themselves and I realize the old dude messing around on the console had a really interesting back story. Plus he had this way of getting completely animated over adventure, yet he'd stick his hands in his pockets and go quiet if things got personal. The girl following him around had an inspiring spirit. Even though she was 19 and he was over 900, she had things to teach him about unwavering respect and compassion for others. And he had an entire universe to show her. So they really, really worked together.

That's what I'm all about. CHARACTERS. Not being a seasoned Doctor Who fan who had known the series back in the 60's through the 90's, I had to learn something the hard way and so I soften the blow for you, future Whovian. Doctor Who can be really, really sad. Some things are inevitable when 900 year-old time lords come flying around in their TARDIS and mingling with fragile humans.

And so Doctor Who can sometimes make you feel like this.

But don't despair, because as Sarah Jane Smith would say - It's completely worth it. And there are really, really funny moments too. You'll have some laughs with the indomitable  Donna Noble.

And I really don't think there's better science to be found anywhere.

But River warns me to be careful. And she has a gun so I will shut up.
But just one more thing - best little family you could ever fall in love with right here:

It's true, making things that were thought up fifty years ago seem cool can be a challenge. But I think they've managed to pull it off.
And now that you know what TARDIS means, you can hardly stop there.
By the way, it's bigger on the inside.
I must warn you ahead of time, if you see one of these, DON'T BLINK. 
But scary moments beside, Doctor Who is a wonderfully silly, emotionally devastating, always moving, constantly surprising, brilliantly acted and written story that has - after all - managed to endure for fifty years.

Oh, and there's a lot of frantic hugging if you're into that.

So what are you waiting for? Find yourself some Who and get busy. Allons-y!

The Personal Nature of Holy Week

 HOLY WEEK IS PERSONAL. This is Holy Week. Depending on your background and upbringing, this may mean different things to you. Perhaps you t...