Friday, October 28, 2011

Flash Fiction - The Reckoning

It can't be two weeks since I blogged. How have the minutes added up and become 14 days?  Where does all my time go?

I have come by tonight to submit my Friday Flash Fiction. I'm only 50 minutes late.

The Reckoning (I know, cheesy name, right?)

The silence was measured only by the ticking of the clock in the hall. Darkness shrouded her as a thick, black fog. She looked down, seeing that she was barefoot, clad only in a long, white nightgown.

She crept up the stairs, flinching at each creak. Her mind buzzed numbly, wild with fear over what might be waiting for her at the top of the staircase, but unable to cease her steady movement upward. She could sense it there, crouching in the shadows, evil epitomized.

Her mind struggled to recall where she was. What she was doing in this house, and why she felt drawn to the room at the far right of the hallway. She realized with a white hot fear that she didn’t even know who she was.

The hallway was black. The only light shone from underneath the room she stepped toward, even as her consciousness begged her to run from this hallway, this house, this nightmare.

A great rush of chilled air blasted from under the door, and she shivered. She listened for any sound, but heard only the loud roar of complete silence. She realized that the only thing she could do was turn that antique knob, the old crystal kind, long covered over with debris and dust.

Her hand, trembling, reached out. Heat emanated from the knob, hotter as she grew closer, but still her hand reached. Searing pain met her fingers as she made contact, but she gripped it, turning it slowly until the latch released and the heavy oak door fell open with a long, loud groan.

White light blinded her. The moment dawned as she beheld her fate, that moment when everything in life comes into clarity. The moment for regrets, for pleas of second chances, or even for quiet peace to a few.

She felt only fear.

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