Wednesday, September 26, 2012


For a fairly optimistic person, it's not too surprising that I admit I am excited about the possibilities.

But I am. I feel something rising. I see a big hill coming and though I know it means some hard climbing, I'm feeling the rush of what the ride down will be like.

I'm taking some steps of faith that have been eight years in the making. There's an amazing wonder that comes right alongside of finding out whom you were always meant to be. Or at least taking another step toward the top.

My stomach is in knots. My heart is beating fast. But when I think of not taking the chance, not setting my sail to catch the wind... I know I have to. I would rather fail than wonder one day what might have been if I had only tried.

And so I try. And I can't say "here goes nothing." It wouldn't be true. Rather I tell you with all the conviction of my soul "here goes everything I have been through, every rabbit trail I was sidetracked on, all that has come into focus to be me in order that I might come to this inevitable conclusion."


The Personal Nature of Holy Week

 HOLY WEEK IS PERSONAL. This is Holy Week. Depending on your background and upbringing, this may mean different things to you. Perhaps you t...