Thursday, November 10, 2011

10 on 10: 10 Ideas I Used from Pinterest

Well, there was supposed to be ten, anyway. But after a day filled with super-mega long division drama and a toddler who seems to feel it is his life's purpose to make me insane trying to keep him alive... well, let's just say it became something less by the time my energy and will to survive were taken from me, and so...

Five Ideas I used from Pinterest and Screech In Action:

Photo Wall.
 I saw this end table on Pinterest, showed MacGyver the picture, he worked his secret MacGyver powers and this was the happy result.
 This is the 4th or 5th try for this one. I just couldn't seem to get these right. Even now, I'm thinking about redoing Screech's again.
 I saw this on Pinterest, and I'm amazed how well this works. Instead of buying the refill, I filled it back up with peppermint oil. I've also used lavender. All the happiness of good smells without that chemical-ly smell that the store bought air fresheners have.
 Step stool.
 This is Screech's reaction when I found him up on a stool opening the cabinet to get into the homeschool supplies. Pardon the nose.
 He quickly realized he couldn't get into the cabinet unless he moved the stool. Notice also his complete disregard for my disapproval.

 He returns the stool to its rightful spot.

I'm done with this day. I shall retreat to my book now. Goodnight.

The Personal Nature of Holy Week

 HOLY WEEK IS PERSONAL. This is Holy Week. Depending on your background and upbringing, this may mean different things to you. Perhaps you t...