Monday, January 27, 2020

A Garden Dream

The day is as dreary as the last one, and the one before that. I spend most of the day wrapped in a big blanket, a sweater, fleece leggings... it's hard to imagine a time when I wasn't cold.

Will it be winter forever? Are we stuck in an endless succession of cold, bare, gray days?

Thankfully, I reminded of the verse in Genesis 8.

As long as the world exists, there will be a time for planting and a time for harvest. There will always be cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night.

If our world is still in motion, if the last day of the world is not upon us, than we can be sure that the cold of winter will pass. Warmth will once again bring the sleeping plants to life again, and it will be time to plant. To harvest.

Praise the Lord for the seasons. To teach us that no matter what we're facing, it's temporary. Nothing lasts forever. Times of sunshine and abundance will pass, but so will the times when the earth lays bare and dead.

A reminder of our very existence. The hard days, even if they lasted a lifetime, which they rarely do, are still going to pass by and be forgotten in the expanse of a perfect eternity.

My thoughts are turning to my garden. On my new 5 acre property, I have space and solitude for the garden I've always dreamed of. No longer will I try to make something of the little bit of earth in my backyard, surrounded on all sides by houses.

My first plan I presented to my husband in excitement was a garden of 50 ft by 20 ft. I was dazzled by the amount of space I could have to plant. The abundant harvest I would bring in. He gently questioned whether it was the best idea to start THAT big. At first I was miffed. He was just trying to step all over my dream.

It didn't take me long to realize he was probably right. So I modified my 2020 garden and came up with this plan. (I used to create my custom size blank square foot garden.)

Even though I broke it down by more than half, my starter garden is still going to be almost bigger than my imagination could fill. I can almost see the reality that will emerge from my organized little drawing. The plants, breaking out in neat rows from the soil, the paths of straw I will wander as I tend the seedlings and later the fruit they will produce.

Since I'm starting from scratch, I thought it might be helpful to record the journey. I plan to keep a record of what we do this year in our garden for those who are thinking of starting their own kitchen garden. Subscribe or follow my fb page for updates!

While the earth still sleeps, here's a few places that are helping me dream (and spend some money!)

My first update:

Last fall I planted two elderberry bushes, a cherry tree and two apple trees as whips (unbranched tree seedlings.) Right now they aren't much to look at, but I'll keep you posted!

I also have two blueberry bushes and a brown turkey fig in big pots. I'm still undecided as to if and when I will transplant them into the ground. I discovered I have wild raspberry bushes growing by the outbuilding, and I've started a big compost pile.

What about you? Do you have any garden plans this year? Any tips and tricks as we start thinking about starting our seeds in the next month or two?

Happy garden dreaming!

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